a few things have gone on around here.
1. dear universe: please, please, PLEASE right yourself again, this business of whatever has been going on lately is NOT pleasant. neptune in or out of my financial house (or matt's) needs to beat it or fix itself and soon. too many random ridiculous occurances have been going on that have made me scratch my head and wonder WHAT ARE THE ODDS that this is all happening at the same time. it's like, IS THE DUKE OF ASH GOING TO RANDOMLY SHOW UP AND WRECK THE HOUSE AGAIN TOO, WHILE WE'RE AT IT?
2. class at the U this fall is out. financially it's just not the right time.
3. vito snagged a woodpecker yesterday and brought it to the back deck door to show us. the thing was still alive and wiggling and matt somehow distracted vito to scare it out of his mouth, flying all crooked the hell away from us. poor thing. vito was of course pissed that his "kill" was taken from him.
4. i love the fall. i can't wait for a big delicious PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE and a shit load of mums on our steps and deck that i will of course finance with money that would be better spent on other things.
oh man i am so with you on the fall thing. i am seriously ready to buy mum and pumpkins. today we were in targs and they have halloween soap and baggies and..........
Apple orchards and hay rides here we come!
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