Wednesday, August 6, 2008

my new favorite things

1. getting up early, before the rest of the family. i got up at 530 today and monday and it was actually wonderful having all the free time I wanted to do all my things. Granted, i went to bed at 1030 both nights but on nights i actually get enough sleep, i think i might do this all the time

2. guitar hero, on expert. it's wonderfully hard. i am obsessed. matt calls me KWAN the little prodigy that hacks the game in 2 tries. i still have not been able to beat tom morello on the battle, but i'm improving.

3. TONS of caffeine. (not new i guess).

4. um, fricking malibu rum and cranberry juice. have to be careful here.

5. beebins inch-worming all over the house. and pointing. and doing raspberries. NOT NAPPING RIGHT NOW i could do without.

1 comment:

Laura - said...

just a suggestion when your up and at 'em at 5:30 a.m. Could you come clean my house quick?

Malibu, cranberry, and DQ vanilla soft serve. Also mix a little REAL pineapple in for that "tropical" feelin'! Add some midori and your off!! MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!