Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Day in the Life of the Privledged. . .

Chick with about 4 different COACH accessories, also accessory INFANT getting her large, vegan-ish looking KEVIN SMITH husband (yes, this combination was very odd for me to process, too) insisting that he get someone over to WIPE CRUMBS OFF THE TABLE so that they could sit down. Guess what? The condiment bar comes equipped with napkins! And had the previous table sitter not been JUST LIKE YOU (oblivious and disrespectful) they may have had their messy children, I don't know, CLEAN UP AFTER THEMSELVES!

You would NEVER know there is a recession going on at Starbucks. People buy $5 drinks left and right, sometimes multiple times per day. People load their cards with HUNDREDS of dollars. Then, when I got home and started thumbing through the New York Times (that I lifted from work) I came across the Sunday Style section. Gucci bag for the bargain price of $1989. People live like this?


Anonymous said...

people. no.

Laura - said...

I get all my coaches from my friends on facebook. I am guilty however of having caribou (sorry, no starbucks) nearly everyday...and yes, sometimes more than one a day. My record has been 3 caribou in one day. BUT...I did quit smoking 7 months ago so I need SOME type of bad habit right???? Plus, I don't spend $5.00 a pack a day = $35 a week and now, $4.00 a drink x4 days a week (average) = $16.00 a week. I AM SAVING MONEY!!

Anna said...

oh i would for sure spend money in there too (if i didn't get my drinks for free). It's just funny to think that we've all become so caffeine addicted.

but the people who load their cards for $2oo at a time really puzzle me. I mean, do they get to expense account it? that's a SHIT load of money to put on a coffee card.