Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Two things of which I disapprove:

1. Crazy old bat in the neighborhood who is in a less than ideal domestic situation with her son and his white trash friends living with her (the WHITE TRASH HOUSE) making comments to Matt about the number of kids we have and how **brave** we are, but not in an admiring tone of voice, so not at all impressed with our **bravery**. Could do without this. I don't usually have to justify our choices in having more than the normal number of children when people see us with them/can witness that we actually enjoy it/have a good time being a chaotic crazy family with a bunch of kids, etc., but I can see maybe down the road having to get all Martha Sears on people and explain to them: THE WORLD NEEDS THESE KIDS.

2. Comments this morning on KDWB about THINGS YOU SHOULDN'T DO NOW THAT OBAMA IS PRESIDENT. This was an extremely tasteless, racially insulting bit of ridiculously uneducated and ignorant blather that seriously needs to not exist. I can't believe they even aired it.


Anonymous said...

i am disgusted with the media in general today. yuck and gross and SHUT UP people.

i am going into my obama bubble.

the one thing about that crazy bat by your house is she gave me like 4 handfuls of candy, telling me that i will need it for energy....i think she thought i was you. so i may just stop by her house on occasion and tell her how exhausted i am, and please can i have some snickers bars.

Writer From Olivia said...
