Thursday, September 18, 2008

Like Robinson Crusoe

(which I'm STILL reading. . . .since early this summer, but I'm on page 203 now at least).

I have decided that instead of allowing myself to devote any energy at all to worrying about what is going on in the news or the economy (when the sky is falling), I am just going to go about my business and not bring those things into "my island." TAKING IT OUT OF THE EQUATION, if you will.

I am happier when these things are not weighing on my mind. I have pretty much done a good job going about my business this summer, despite the distressing world events, starving and abused children, economy not doing well, starbucks stock going below $16, etc. I lived my life and didn't let negative events influence my outlook or mood.

In order to continue this I am seriously (for real this time) not reading the paper anymore. I haven't seen the news in months, probably years, just because of the business and small child factor, but now I'm dedicating myself to not read headlines or look at stories because I don't want any of their badness. I'll allow the crossword puzzle and/or the NY Times book review, but that's it.

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