Saturday, September 20, 2008

two rants: feminism and politics.

1. I've given a lot of thought lately (and technically this probably should go on my media rants blog, but it's more applicable to my "inner sanctum" of thoughts than just media in general) to ACTION BLOCKBUSTERS. They are all about men, written by men, and never about any interesting women unless they are there to service the men sexually. There are a few exceptions, of course, (KILL BILL being the best one, and about a MOTHER, no less), but why leave out the woman? Independence Day: First Lady gets killed, other 2 supporting women stand by while the dudes get to go kick ass. AND WHO'S WATCHING THAT LITTLE GIRL? no one. War of the Worlds: Mother absent while excuse me, TOM CRUISE gets to try to get the kids to safety? Please. Armegeddon: aside from being the cheesiest movie EVER, no mother. I realize that these films are made for men by men and that men, young ones that like to see a lot of ass-kicking make up the target audience, but hey writers: do not write about things you do not understand. Back to the issue of blind Mary Ingalls leaving her infant son in the bassinette to burn while she helped other kids get out of the school. NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. This had to have been written by some goddamned MAN without a clue. These blockbusters are like that. Mothers don't leave their children like that, they wouldn't allow them to be in situations like these, and not one mother that I have ever known would trust the kids to the father if life and death were on the line. There is nothing like the fire and passion inside a mother's heart. . . .not even inside the father. It's something that doesn't often get discussed, but the guys just don't get the same bond we do, I'm sorry, but it's true. We birthed these babies, many of us carry them around, attached to our bosoms, and wake up with their every whimper every night of their lives.

1. The first lady would not allow the daughter to just be gallivanting around the oval office, even if she was out of town, when shit like the aliens taking over the country was going down. Her FIRST call would have been to secure that girl in some underground bunker somehwere, like Cheney.

2. The red headed mother in War of the worlds would have run her ass back to Tom Cruise's crappy old shack to pick up her kids the SECOND something crazy started going down. Especially since she didn't trust him much to being with.

3. Mary ingalls would never have left her baby alone when there was chaos going on around her, like the school being on fire. She may not have been able to see, but she would have gotten herself and the baby OUT. This issue seriously drives me INSANE with anger.


There is a lot of talk now about the economy being shitty and that the sky is falling.


Anonymous said...

does hester sue get the baby out? i recall her actually breaking a window WITH the baby? or does hester sue go down in flames?

lets be morbid. you know what kills me? women in the holocost that had to hide their babies so the nazi's would not kill them. talk about going to great lengths. what really gets me is, that was not long ago at all....and then i think of all the women and children dying right now because of this needless and senseless war. my heart is kind of breaking today.

Writer From Olivia said...

I know. Seriously. I listened to this really disturbing interview with a female survivor about what she thought of everything that was going on as she was like 7 at the time they were all being sent to the camps. . . she said her biggest worry was that someone was going to "get" her baby brother because she heard that nazis ripped babies apart so she made it her mission to help her mom hide the baby.

I just want to bawl.

Hester Sue TRIED. . . but she burned up too. They all had to WATCH her, holding the baby, try to get out.

I was talking to Chris at work last night, ranting, about how in a true apocolypse, it wouldn't matter if the men all died because they aren't the ones who further the species. Really, all that matters is that there are a few sturdy women around, and that somehow they have access to sperm. He was DYING at me being so ridiculous but I just kept on. . .

I was a little bitchy.

Like Ian Malcolm says in Jurassic Park. . . LIFE FINDS A WAY.

Laura - said...

I think we can say the same for nearly ALL disney movies...

Lion King: Dad dies and mom is obviously too "weak" to be powerful. Enter Simba, raised by 2 males (great for GLBT community!). Mom still isn't queen of the fricken forest...

Tarzan: They lost their baby ape long ago just like Tarzan lost his real parents. Mom, being the adoptive ape, isn't worthy of being a mom again??? Not according to the "leader" who happens to be male.

Cinderella: Step-mom?? Confused about her. Cinderella has to fall in love with a prince just so she can become worthy? Gimme a fricken break!

Snow White: Here comes the fricken prince again! "Oh save me my dear prince!" 7 Dwarfs - all men - SAVE ME FROM ALL THESE MEN!!!

Bambi: My dad is the most powerful buck in the forest. WTF????

Aladdin: Hmmm...MOM!! Where are you?

Movies have a way of showing untruths in such an oblivious AND obvious fashion to our kids. It is up to us as parents to point out these FLAWS and to make our kids strong. But then, as women, when we become HALF of what we could be, there steps in a man trying to stop us. We become "the bitch" because we are confident in what we say or do. Someday, my son, as well as yours, will be men. I swear, to my dying day, my son better NEVER stop a woman on her way up. He better NEVER disrespect a woman but yet be sensitive enough to know that yes, even a woman, needs support every once in a while.

Sadly, I do know many women who would leave their child in a burning building. In fact, it is some of these women that set fire to these homes. I had the fortune or misfortune, depending on how one wants to look at it, to interview many women at the Shakopee Women's Prison. It completely PISSED ME OFF!! Women would say, "...I did it because I was messed up on drugs...I am thankful I get to see my kids here though! [smile/laugh]." F*#% that!!!! You didn't give a shit about your kids back then and the only reason you give a shit now is because you think it will make you feel better because 'you the mama.' Give me a damn break people. I think all this is worthy of it's own blog. copy, paste.

Anonymous said...

my fave is the mom in close encounters who allows Barry to get snatched up through that little dog door. please. you would have to pull me through that thing before Tru went up with the aliens.

Writer From Olivia said...

hee hee hee. i love it.

the women's prison. . . . that is heavy and hard core.
i couldn't imagine. i'm sure for each one of my rants there are millions of other ones from people who have it many, many times harder than me, someone who is pointing out flaws in films.

i just know that i would TOTALLY beatrix kiddo ANYONE who tried to mess with my kids. this should prove to be very difficult when the kids are in elementary school and the playground "fights" start. smoke will probably come out of my ears but i'll have to just sit back and try to stay out of it, since learning how to stand up for yourself is something they'll need to learn.