THis has made my mood very foul.
A. nice drink.
B. not the drink I ordered
C. I thought perhaps saying, "the ***new*** blended lemonade with green tea" about 4 TIMES would clarify what I was ordering. . . . apparently not.
Musings from an Olivia native keeping it real in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
i'll take the pineapple in the background
yeah, you know when you have your heart set on something, like LEMONADE, BLENDED NICELY. . . and then you get, well, THAT. . .
it was super gross. I have made them that way myself before the new blended lemonades came out last week, and i knew they were gross. the stuff they had before just didn't blend well at all. plus when the dude handed it to me it had a bunch of green tea collected on top of the lid which of course spilled directly into my crotch.
not cool. plus i just can't complain about things like that, just because it would be more of a pain than it is worth so i just had to deal with it.
not a big deal, in the run of things i know, but they seemed confused about what i was ordering, and i know that the "training" on the new blended lemonades was pretty much a sheet of paper saying HERE'S HOW YOU MAKE THIS. . . .HAVE AT.
but when they asked me like 3 times in a row what it was that i was ordering, and i said 3 TIMES IN A ROW "THE ***NEW**** blended lemonade blended with green tea" and then the kid at the window confirmed what i ordered and then said, "hang on, i better go check on that. . . " and it was still the wrong stuff I really had to wonder.
Leah has this term for lame starbucks employees all working together (or caribou, i suppose) called THE INEPT CREW or THE I.C.
this was definitely one of those.
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